My Mom's Cruel and Unusual Punishments (2024)

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Thanks for raising me mom! You made me like this.

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[Lawyer] Mr.

James, on Saturday morning at 10:03 a.m, you were observed, coloring a picture of a dinosaur.

Is that true? [Young James] *Loud* YEAH.


We go to wecess? [Lawyer] Even, though your mom had repeatedly asked you to clean up your toys.

You disobeyed her and colored anyway? [Young James] Uh..

I pwead, the fifff.

Your Honor, I have no further questions.

[Mommy] James, I, hereby sentence you to 15 minutes in the timeout corner.

-S M A C, C- I'm, NOT, GOING, BACK, TO, TIMEOUT!, I'm, no scientist… (I'm, a Youtuber), …but I.

Think moms play a very important role in society.

Without moms, who would drive us to soccer practice? Who else would tell us that it's not OK to eat cupcakes for breakfast? And.

Who else would point at construction workers and say, "That's? Why you need to get a college education, James.", O, O, F, Oh, and I? Guess they also give birth to you and take care of you, But like…PFFFFFFFFFBBBBBT! Anyone could do that! Now before I talk about how I was raised….

I just want to give out this disclaimer, that my mom is a great mom.

She loves least, she used to...(All around me are familiar faces: :o) If.

You asked me when I was fifteen.

If my mom was a good mom… …15-year-old me would have said… "No." Okay, but like, when I was little, I'd be talking with my friends… …and.

We would be talking about our parents, and they would say stuff like…, Friend, #1: "Yeah.

My mom lets me stay up, 'til midnight, and she lets me play really graphic and vulgar video games." Edge friend, : "Yeah.

My mom doesn't care if I wear clothes with skulls on them… "…AND.

She lets me eat an entire tub of ice cream for dinner.": " Another friend: My mom lets me play with knives!" And I used to think that their moms were SO much cooler for letting my friends have THAT much fun.

But now, as an adult, I realize the sad truth… …that these kids' moms weren't cooler… …they just cared about them.


I'm, not saying every mom out there is perfect… …but, a mom who takes the time to make a responsible member of society… …is, pretty high up on the "Good Mom List." Anyways….

…I love.

You mom, and now I'll, immortalize and monetize.

Some of that love..

When I was younger and still in need of adult supervision….

…My mom would take me and my twin sister out to run errands with her.


As you would expect.

We were rowdy and wanted to do our own thing.


My mom was prepared for this.

She would bring two plastic baggies filled with ten M&Ms and every time my sister or I misbehaved, She Would eat an M&M right in front of us, and she made sure we saw her eat.

Our M&Ms.

She didn't give us a warning, either! If.

We did anything remotely bad.

She would say… [Mom] "Hey! HEY! *snap, snap* Look at me!", *nom* And I think that parenting technique is the psychological reason that M&Ms are my favorite candy bar.

*sobbing* I'm, a good boy, I'm A gUd, boI… Something me and my sister really liked doing… …was, hiding in those circular racks of clothes that they have set up in department.


Being in the middle of one of those racks is such a surreal.


I totally recommend it.

But, my mom didn't like it.

When we had fun… …so, she had to reach her arm in and try and grab us.

[Employee] "Do.

You need any help?" [James' Mom] "Oh, no, I'm, just trying to get something in the back.

"There's, a really nice belt.

That would be great for spanking.

My miSBEHAVING CHILDREN!" I was spanked as a kid...Nothing TOO bad.

I Probably derserved it anyway.

I, don't remember any specific action..

I did That earned a spanking,but I do remember, outrunning my mom, a lot.

Another thing.

My mom did when I was very little… …was.

Sometimes when she was washing her hands… …she would turn to me and go "Achoo!" and flick water in my face.

It really bothered me, but I never spoke out about it.

And one day, I just couldn't handle it.

Anymore...And I started Crying *James', Silent, crying* [James' Mom] "Why! Are you crying?" But I was too sad to articulate how I was really feeling., *Incoherent Mumbling and Crying*? U flick wata my fsce achoo! *More crying* If.

You asked her about this today… …she'll say that she doesn't remember doing that.

Sneeze gag ever, but I, remember it..


So to get back at her… …I, put a rubber band around the Dish Sprayer.

So when you turn on the sink, …it would spray water at you.

Come to think of it.

I do remember one reason: I was spanked…Every time.

One of my siblings insulted, another sibling or told them to shut up...we would have to pay them.

50 cents.This resulted in a really weird dynamic when it came to insults.We Would get excited when someone called us a name.

[Lil' James] "MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMM, LUKE, CALLED, ME, A, BUTTHOLE!", [James', Mom], "That's, 50, cents!", [Lil', James], "WOOOOOOO!, I'm, RICH!!", But sometimes, us kids would just be messing around with each other…and.

We didn't really mean the insults, so we would feel bad taking someone else's 50 Cents.

Like, someone would say..

[Faith] "Hey, James.

What's 6 + 6?" And I would say, "Uhh…9, idiot!" And.

My mom would hear me and say, "James, that's 50, cents!" And, my sister would feel bad.

So she would insult me back and say… [Faith] "James, y-y-you're an unpleasant person!", "Aw…:')" Swear words cost ya, $5.00.


Why I don't swear in videos.

But? Now I can afford it..


F*ck you, Mom! You piece of -*BeEpInG iNtEnSiFiEs* My mom, never washed our mouths out with soap -.

She wasn't THAT kind of person...but she did threaten to if we swore.

And one time after I said a pretty naughty word..

P E N I S, …she, said, "If, you don't behave, I'm gonna get the soap!" And I said, "I, don't care soap, tastes, good!", [James', Mom], "All right, you big, dingus shove! This in your mouth.

You won't do it., No, balls.", So I bit into it, and immediately regretted it.*he ded* Now people are eating soap for views.

So I.

Guess we never grow up.


Anyone else's parents put a password on the family, computer? Because, my parents, did, and I didn't know.

We were the only family that did that.

We had a rule in the house that we were only allowed to be on the family computer.

For, however long we read a book for.

But, luckily, I, Would, just read a book for 15 minutes, get my mom to type in the password..., and then she would just forget that I was on the computer and let me stay on for hours.

And I played a LOT of Neopets and Runescape.

Also, I wasn't allowed to have a TV or a computer in my room, because then I would have easy access.

To…, inappropriate..., animes., When I was little, cell phones, WERE a thing, but my mom didn't.

Let me have one… …so I had to talk to all my friends over a landline., I hope I, don't have to explain what that is.

'cause that would make me feel really old… …and I'm supposed to be in the prime of my life.

But basically.

It meant if I was upstairs in my room.

Talking to a friend… …my mom could grab a phone downstairs in the kitchen..

and just join in our conversation, completely uninvited.

Didn't matter who I was talking, to, I'd be having a conversation like this…, [James], *Sigh*, I, think the reason I internalize and hide away.

All my problems is because of how invasive my mom is in my personal life…" [James' Mom] "James, get off the phone and do the dishes." [James] "MOOOM, I'm, ON, THE, PHONE!", [James', Mom], "WOW, I can't believe you said that to the person who GAVE BIRTH to you!" "...So.

What are you two losers? Talking about?" Luckily, I would almost never be talking to a girl! So at least…, …that didn't happen.

This other time my mom was giving me and my sister a ride to school, and on the radio….

…She was listening to the WORST sub-genre of rock music… Christian rock.

*Whispering* (Just kidding you can like whatever you want) Anyway, we were pulling up to the school… …and I told my mom to turn the music down.

[James' Mom] "What?!, Why?", [Preteen, James], "Because I.

Don't want people to think I, listen to this, MOM…!" You see, I was in junior high, so I cared a lot about what other people cared.

About… …so.

She turned the music down, but, as we stepped out of the car…, …she turned the volume all the way back up and blasted the music for everyone to hear! *Scream "singing"*, "JESUS, TAKE, THE, WHEEEEEEEEL!, TAKE, IT, FROM, MY, HAAAAAAANDS!" Looking back at the situation… …I think that's pretty hilarious.

gg Mom.

These aren't ALL the times my mom embarrassed me… …but.

Those are all the ones I'm gonna include in this video.

I didn't even mention the time when I was four when my twin sister wanted to do ballet lessons, but she didn't want to them.

Alone… …so, my mom signed me up for lessons, too.

Love you, mom! You made me like this! And.

There you have it, everyone;.

That was my mom.

Again, I just want to say that, despite whatever I say in my videos, that my mom is a great mom., I wouldn't be here without my mom.

She also reads all my scripts.

So all of my videos are James' mom, approved., …Okay, well, I shouldn't, say that.

She does tell me to take out a lot of jokes, and I'm like "No, no!, But, they're, funny!", And also.

Speaking of my mom, my mom's birthday is coming up.

So, happy early birthday, Mom! And.

If you guys wanted to wish her a happy birthday, that'd be cool.


I was serious when I said these aren't all the times.

My mom embarrassed.


I definitely have enough material to make a part.


Again…, …I love, you, Mom.

Thanks for not being one of those moms that are like, "No! you're not allowed to be an artist! "You, have to finish college and be a doctore! EeEh!"(hi, waluigi) In other news.

If you can't get enough Odd1sOut videos… …then, you should check out TheOdd2sOut! A couple days.

Ago, I posted a video where I answer riddles, so that was a lot of fun.


Thank you to my four colorers….

…Who helped color this video.

You guys should all check them.



If there's anything you should take away from this video, is that you should always… your mom.

My Mom's Cruel and Unusual Punishments (2024)


What are some examples of cruel and unusual punishments? ›

Cruel and unusual punishment refers to punishment that fails to meet social decency standards – it is overly painful, torturous, degrading, or humiliating (e.g., disemboweling, beheading, public dissecting and burning alive) or is grossly disproportionate to the crime committed.

What is cruel and unusual punishment today? ›

If a punishment is significantly harsher than punishments traditionally given for the same or similar crimes, it is cruel and unusual, even though the same punishment might be acceptable for other crimes. For example, it would be cruel and unusual to impose a life sentence for a parking violation, but not for murder.

What is the meaning of cruel punishment? ›

noun. : punishment that is very harsh and too severe for the crime.

What is an example of excessive punishment? ›

Excessive punishment is when a punishment given to someone who has broken the law is too severe and not justified by the seriousness of the offense or the person's criminal record. For example, if someone is given a life sentence for stealing a candy bar, that would be considered excessive punishment.

What is an example of the 8th Amendment being violated? ›

Some of the Eighth Amendment violations that occur to inmates in jails and prisons that can be considered cruel and unusual punishment include: Rape or sexual abuse. Inferior medical care. Excessive bail or fines.

What is excessive fines? ›

A fine is “excessive” under the clause if (1) it is too severe when compared to the offense being punished; or (2) the fine is so burdensome that a defendant cannot pay for the necessities of life.

What is the 8th Amendment for prisoners? ›

The eighth amendment provides prisoners with limited rights of protection against cruel and unusual punishment during the course of confinement. These rights extend to the existence of humane living conditions, adequate medical care, and protection from violence by other inmates.

What qualifies as cruel and unusual? ›

Punishment prohibited by the Eighth Amendment to the Constitution. Cruel and unusual punishment includes torture, deliberately degrading punishment, or punishment that is too severe for the crime committed. This concept helps guarantee due process even to convicted criminals.

What are the most horrific punishments ever? ›

Severe historical execution methods include the breaking wheel, hanged, drawn and quartered, mazzatello, boiling to death, death by burning, execution by drowning, death by starvation, immurement, flaying, disembowelment, crucifixion, impalement, crushing, execution by elephant, keelhauling, stoning, dismemberment, ...

What is cruel punishment for a child? ›

But it can also involve kicking, shaking or throwing children, scratching, pinching, biting, pulling hair, forcing children to stay in uncomfortable positions, burning, scalding or forced ingestion. In addition, there are other non-physical forms of punishment that are also cruel and degrading.

What are 3 dangers of punishment? ›


What are 3 side effects of punishment? ›

Consequences. Corporal punishment triggers harmful psychological and physiological responses. Children not only experience pain, sadness, fear, anger, shame and guilt, but feeling threatened also leads to physiological stress and the activation of neural pathways that support dealing with danger.

What is the hardest punishment? ›

5 of the harshest punishments around the world
  • Crucifixion. ...
  • The brazen bull. ...
  • Flaying. ...
  • Using rats to kill people. ...
  • Sawed in half.
Oct 10, 2022

What are 3 examples of cruel and unusual punishment that might violate the 8th Amendment? ›

Here are some punishments that courts have found cruel and unusual:
  • execution of those who are insane.
  • a 56-year term for forging checks totaling less than $500.
  • handcuffing a prisoner to a horizontal bar exposed to the sun for several hours, and.

What is the dry amendment? ›

18th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution: Primary Documents in American History. Ratified on January 16, 1919, the 18th Amendment prohibited the “manufacture, sale, or transportation of intoxicating liquors".

Is shaming a violation of the 8th Amendment? ›

at 434 (“Although the Supreme Court has not held that public shaming punishments violate the Eighth Amendment, many still argue that the method by which the government wishes to deprive offenders of their dignity [or privacy] is simply unacceptable.”) (emphasis added).

What is the exclusionary rule? ›

The exclusionary rule prevents the government from using most evidence gathered in violation of the United States Constitution. The decision in Mapp v. Ohio established that the exclusionary rule applies to evidence gained from an unreasonable search or seizure in violation of the Fourth Amendment.

What does the 10th Bill of Rights mean? ›

The Tenth Amendment says that the Federal Government only has those powers delegated in the Constitution. If it isn't listed, it belongs to the states or to the people.

What does the 9th Amendment say? ›

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

What is deliberate indifference? ›

What is deliberate indifference? A prison official demonstrates "deliberate indifference" if he or she recklessly disregards. a substantial risk of harm to the prisoner.4.

What is the 14th Amendment? ›

Passed by the Senate on June 8, 1866, and ratified two years later, on July 9, 1868, the Fourteenth Amendment granted citizenship to all persons "born or naturalized in the United States," including formerly enslaved people, and provided all citizens with “equal protection under the laws,” extending the provisions of ...

What are the 14th Amendment rights? ›

No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

What is the exact meaning of cruel? ›

cru·​el ˈkrü(-ə)l. crueler or crueller; cruelest or cruellest. Synonyms of cruel. 1. : disposed to inflict pain or suffering : devoid of humane feelings.

What is the meaning of the word cruel? ›

adjective,cru·el·er, cru·el·est. willfully or knowingly causing pain or distress to others. enjoying the pain or distress of others: the cruel spectators of the gladiatorial contests.

What is the act of being cruel? ›

Definitions of cruelty. the quality of being cruel and causing tension or annoyance. synonyms: cruelness, harshness. types: brutality, ferociousness, savagery, viciousness. the trait of extreme cruelty.

What is the legal definition of cruel? ›

Cruelty is any act of inflicting unnecessary physical or mental pain on living creatures.

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Author: Roderick King

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Author information

Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.